Double Major
Based on providing all students in the university with diverse learning opportunities and pipelines, cultivating students basic knowledge of finance, the department is open to double major learning mechanism to provide entire school students who are interested in learning financial knowledge with participation in financial training study courses and implement the concept of holistic education of Tunghai University, providing diverse learning pipelines.
Application Procedures
Students may apply for double major in accordance with the time provided by school since the first semester begins.
Students who want to become a double major of the department should fill in the “double major application form” in accordance with the date published by Curriculum Section in the first semester of each year. First send to the Head of original Department, Dean of College for approval, then send to the Head of this Department. After this Department aggregates, send to the Dean of College of Management and Dean of Academic Affairs for approval. Since the application is passed, begin to select required courses for double major in the department.
Regulations for Taking Course
1. For required subjects of double major students, the specialized required credits of the department in required subject chart in the academic year to apply for a double major shall prevail.
2. If courses in their original department attended by double major students are the same as double major required subjects, they do not need repeat taking the courses. But they are subject to the completion of the other necessary required course credits in the department. If after the same courses are waived, they have less than 40 credits, they need to attend this department’